Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Atomy Ginkgo & Natto

Atomy Ginkgo & Natto

~ Ginkgo & Natto Added Nattokinase helps improve blood circulation.

Ginkgo Leaf Extract

- Ginkgo leaf Ginkgo biloba cultivation location:
They are cultivated widely in Asia, Europe, North America, New Zealand, and Argentina.
- Source of ginkgo biloba:
They are known to have originated from a valley in the mountainous province of eastern China.
- Ginkgo biloba leaves contain large amounts of flavonoids and terpene compounds, and have been widely reported to improve blood circulation and memory.

Ginkgo biloba extract clinical trial results

- Significant reduction of platelet aggregation.
- Improved vasodilatation.
- Significant reduction in blood viscosity before and after intake.
- Significant improvement of word/color memory.
- Significant improvement of working memory.
- Significant improvement of learning efficiency.

Natto Bacteria Cultured Powder

What is nattokinase powder?
- Natto bacteria cultured powder is fermented soybean made with natto bacteria. It is one of the world's top 5 superfoods.
- There are records of natto bacteria cultured powder used in cheonggukjang (fermented soybean) in Korea since the period of the Three Kingdoms. It is known to be a representative traditional food in the neighboring Japan since 1,000 years ago, and its health-related benefits are widely known.
- Natto-based health functional foods are popular in Japan, and the fibrinolysis enzyme active ingredient is the main functional ingredient of natto bacteria cultured powder.

Product Information
Atomy Ginkgo & Natto:Ginkgo biloba extract + Natto culture.

Main ingredients
- Ginkgo leaf extract
- Natto bacteria cultured powder

Sub ingredients
- Red wine extract powder
- Green tea extract powder
- Red yeast rice powder/ginger extract powder
- Baobab fruit powder
- Dendranthema extract powder
- Ginger extract powder

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