Friday, August 26, 2022

Atomy Sensitive Teeth & Gum Toothpaste


Relieves sensitive tooth pain & prevents gum diseases

✓ Tooth sensitivity treatment
✓ Prevention of gum diseases
Caries prevention
✓ Plaque removal
✓ Prevention of periodontal disease

Good to know: The 2 main causes of tooth sensitivity and toothache

1. Damage to the enamel: over-brushing, teeth grinding, cavity, acidic food intake (such as fruits & juices).

2. Exposed tooth root: gum disease, aging.

How can the Atomy Sensitive Toothpaste help?

~ Pain relief for sensitive tooth with intensive care for dentin tubules
  • Effectively relieves tooth sensitivity symptoms through finely granulated tricalcium phosphate that fills the exposed exposed dental canaliculis

~ Prevention of tooth sensitivity by preventing gingivitis and periodontitis
  • Maintain healthy gums by preventing periodontal disease that causes inflammation in the surrounding tissues that holds the teeth.
  • Tricalcium phosphate: prevent tooth sensitivity. 
  • Dental type silica: natural abrasive to remove plaque. 
  • Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E): inhibits the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity

~ Additional Components:
  • Herb mint flavor: inhibition of bacteria and reduces bad breath. 
  • Xylitol: inhibition of streptococcus mutans.
  • Sage extract: sterilization, disinfection and wound healing. 
  • Rosemary extract: sterilization, disinfection effect.
  • Aloe extract: antibacterial, analgesic, calming effects.

Recommended for:
✓ Those who grind their teeth while sleeping.
✓ Those with tooth sensitivity while brushing teeth.
✓ Those who wants to prevent tooth sensitivity and take care of gum health.
✓ Those who experience stinging sensation when taking hot, cold or sweet foods.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Atomy Bamboo Salt



- BAMBOO SALT is rich in mineral as it is made by putting sea
salt (with natural yellow clay) into small cases made from
bamboo trunks.
- BAMBOO SALT is roasted for 10 hours with a temperature
between 1,000 to1,500 C. This process is repeated 9 times
(Salt reaches its highest medical efficacy when it is baked for
9 times).
- BAMBOO SALT is an alkaline food, with acid level up to pH= 10 and above, can neutralize strong acid body.
- BAMBOO SALT is the only healthy food that has 70-80 natural minerals needed for the human body.
- Nine-roasted bamboo salt is a classy product of Korean bamboo salt, which contains more than 80 minerals to replace the nutrients lost due to the use of chemical fertilizers during the planting process
- Its high antioxidant performance level (antioxidant value of-400 mV) can detoxify and discharge contaminant substances.
- Its alkaline helps to maintain our body's PH, which can quickly neutralize acidic toxins in our body,
- Improve digestive system problems such as uric acid, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, etc for stomach disease, stomach ulcers, intestinal disease, asthma or constipation.
- In the case of heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney failure, bamboo salt should be taken instead of chemical salt.

Benefits of BAMBOO SALT:

✔️ Supports Joint & Bone Health - relieves joint & ligament pain associated with arthritis and lowers chance of osteoporosis.

✔️ Promotes Healthy Heart Care - improves circulation & helps control cholesterol levels.

✔️ Vital to cleansing blood cells - great for intense detoxing.

✔️ Fuels Immune System - provides a boost to your immunity with over 80 minerals.

✔️ Promotes Proper Alkalinity - alkalizing effect on your body as well as on water and food.

How to use BAMBOO SALT?

1. To reduce Toothache
- Either put BAMBOO SALT on the decayed tooth or gargle with water.

2. To avoid Hair Loss
- Apply the BAMBOO SALT water onto scalp and message it gently.

3. To treat Sinusities
- Fill in BAMBOO SALT water into nose washer to wash the nose.

4. To reduce Body Odor
- Use BAMBOO SALT to message Armpit and other body parts gently for about 10 minutes.

5. To reduce Joint Paint
- Apply BAMBOO SALT onto affected areas and message them gently.

6. To Improve Skin Disease Condition
Wash skin with warm BAMBOO SALT water.

* Take a pinch of bamboo salt, dissolve it in your saliva and swallow it 20∼30 times per day. In addition, dissolve 2∼3g of bamboo salt in 500㎖ of water and drink 1∼2 bottles per day. Use bamboo salt to season your food. A person with constipation may find relief even after a single day of consuming bamboo salt.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Atomy Triple-Up Protein


✔️ 25g x 30 sachets (750g) for one month
✔️ Formulated with whey protein, soy protein and casein protein in a 1:1:2 ratio
✔️ Increase the absorption rate of the body by 3 times
✔️ As interest in everyday wellness increases, a variety of protein products continue to be introduced to meet the explosive consumer demand.
✔️ For consumers who want to choose high-quality protein, we recommend Atomy Triple-Up Protein!
【What is the difference between a slimming shake and a protein powder? 】
#Atomy Slimbody Shake 2.0
✔️ Type: Dietary supplement for weight management, containing nutrients such as vitamins/minerals required for dieting (meal replacement)
✔️ How to eat: Add 200ml of water, shake well and eat.
#Atomy Triple-Up Protein Atomy Triple-Up Protein
✔️ Type: Protein supplements, consisting only of protein derived from soy, milk, whey, etc.
✔️ How to take: Add 120ml of water, shake well and eat.

【Myths and truths about protein

✔️ Protein, enough to eat with food
  • People start to lose muscle mass due to aging around the age of 30. Therefore, it is recommended to consume enough protein, according to the Korean Nutritional Intake Standard of the Korean Nutrition Society,
  • It is recommended that 7-20% of your total daily energy intake is through protein intake. (Equivalent to about 0.8 grams per 1 kg body weight) To consume this amount, you should eat 11 eggs and 1800 ml of milk per day.
✔️ Protein, the more you eat, the better
  • Even if you eat a lot of protein at once, only the amount your body needs is absorbed and the rest is broken down and excreted.
  • The amount of protein that the human body can absorb in one meal is about 20-25g. Therefore, it is important to get the right amount of protein every day, but if it is difficult to get the right amount of protein consistently, you can take a protein supplement.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Atomy Kids Gummy Multivitamin


How do we help our precious children to eat well when they are lack of nutrition?
~ It has 10 types of vitamins and 2 types of minerals, which contain the most important nutrients for the development and growth of children !!
~ Energy metabolism, eye and bone health, anti-oxidation sorghum.
~ And it's still a soft candy with mango flavour! No sugar, no syrup!
Using natural and healthy oligonucleotides.

Suitable for Children:
✔️ Who need nutritional balance.
✔️ With lots of activities.
✔️ Who need nutritional supplements.
✔️ Who have difficulty swallowing capsules or large tablets.
✔️ Who do not eat fruit and vegetables.

~ Babies can get balanced nutrition in one day per gummy.
~ It is in very affordable price!
~ This definitely comes in handy as it’s not easy to get nutritious food for children nowadays.

* There are 6 packs per box, 10 gummy per pack.
* One gummy a day is enough!
* Can last for 2 months supply