Thursday, August 18, 2022

Atomy Bamboo Salt



- BAMBOO SALT is rich in mineral as it is made by putting sea
salt (with natural yellow clay) into small cases made from
bamboo trunks.
- BAMBOO SALT is roasted for 10 hours with a temperature
between 1,000 to1,500 C. This process is repeated 9 times
(Salt reaches its highest medical efficacy when it is baked for
9 times).
- BAMBOO SALT is an alkaline food, with acid level up to pH= 10 and above, can neutralize strong acid body.
- BAMBOO SALT is the only healthy food that has 70-80 natural minerals needed for the human body.
- Nine-roasted bamboo salt is a classy product of Korean bamboo salt, which contains more than 80 minerals to replace the nutrients lost due to the use of chemical fertilizers during the planting process
- Its high antioxidant performance level (antioxidant value of-400 mV) can detoxify and discharge contaminant substances.
- Its alkaline helps to maintain our body's PH, which can quickly neutralize acidic toxins in our body,
- Improve digestive system problems such as uric acid, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, etc for stomach disease, stomach ulcers, intestinal disease, asthma or constipation.
- In the case of heart disease, high blood pressure and kidney failure, bamboo salt should be taken instead of chemical salt.

Benefits of BAMBOO SALT:

✔️ Supports Joint & Bone Health - relieves joint & ligament pain associated with arthritis and lowers chance of osteoporosis.

✔️ Promotes Healthy Heart Care - improves circulation & helps control cholesterol levels.

✔️ Vital to cleansing blood cells - great for intense detoxing.

✔️ Fuels Immune System - provides a boost to your immunity with over 80 minerals.

✔️ Promotes Proper Alkalinity - alkalizing effect on your body as well as on water and food.

How to use BAMBOO SALT?

1. To reduce Toothache
- Either put BAMBOO SALT on the decayed tooth or gargle with water.

2. To avoid Hair Loss
- Apply the BAMBOO SALT water onto scalp and message it gently.

3. To treat Sinusities
- Fill in BAMBOO SALT water into nose washer to wash the nose.

4. To reduce Body Odor
- Use BAMBOO SALT to message Armpit and other body parts gently for about 10 minutes.

5. To reduce Joint Paint
- Apply BAMBOO SALT onto affected areas and message them gently.

6. To Improve Skin Disease Condition
Wash skin with warm BAMBOO SALT water.

* Take a pinch of bamboo salt, dissolve it in your saliva and swallow it 20∼30 times per day. In addition, dissolve 2∼3g of bamboo salt in 500㎖ of water and drink 1∼2 bottles per day. Use bamboo salt to season your food. A person with constipation may find relief even after a single day of consuming bamboo salt.

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