Saturday, June 17, 2023

Atomy Smart Memory Up


Atomy Smart Memory Up (600mg x 60 tablets)

✓ Recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for improving memory

✓ Contains mixture of Grapes and Blueberry that are rich in polyphenols to enhance your memory

[Take 2 tablets once a day, with water]

What is memory?

🧠 Memory is the ability to store necessary information in the brain and retrieve it when needed

🧠 Memory is divided into sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory according to their characteristics

Causes of memory loss 

🧠 Aging

• Memory decreases with age, especially long-term memory

• Brain cells starts to decline from the age of 30, and memory steadily declines

🧠 Smoking, alcohol, stress and excessive use of smartphones 😱

• Stress, psychological factors, fatigue and many more reduces memory

• Excessive alcohol consumption also causes memory loss

• Recently, the rate of memory loss due to internets and smartphones has increased

Why is Atomy Smart Memory Up so special?

1⃣ Contains 600mg of Grape and Blueberry extract powder, recognized as raw material for memory improvement

Meets 100% of the daily recommended intake by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety

2⃣ 100% plant-based raw materials and patented composition ratio

• A combination of French Grapes and Canadian Blueberries in patented ratio

• Developed through 4 years of cooperation and research by French/Canadian research institutes and companies

3⃣ Functional raw materials that undergone human clinical trials

• Increased polyphenols in the body showed:

~ Improvement of word recall skills

~ Enhancement of paired associate learning

4⃣ 6 meticulously selected supplementary ingredients

• Alpinia galanga extract, curcuma extract powder, saffron extact, taurine, rhodiola rosea extract, phosphatidylserine

Recommended for:

✓ People who need to improve memory due to aging

✓ People who wants to increase work efficiency

✓ People who are worried about memory loss

✓ People who often cannot remember words or names

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