Monday, August 23, 2021

Atomy Eye Lutein

Atomy Eye Lutein is a Multi-functional Formula of Lutein, Vitamin A, Zinc, and Berry extract (Additives) for Healthy Eyes. What are the essentials for vision health?


It’s the main carotenoid pigment in the macula. Dietary supplement is needed because macular pigment density is decreased with age and it cannot be synthesized in the body.

Lutein cannot be synthesized within the human body. Therefore taking lutein supplements is recommended.

Lutein absorbs reactive oxygen thereby protecting blood vessels and improving circulation.

Lutein supplements are recommended from the start of aging in order to maintain macular pigment density.

Lutein also reduces blue light damage by absorbing blue light, which damages macula and retina.

Vitamin A

Inside a rod cell, retinal, which is vitamin A’s aldehyde form, combines with ‘opsin’ protein to form ‘rhodopsin’, which helps us detect dim light in the dark.

Vitamin A is needed in the process of changing light signal into neural signal.

Effective optical signal transmission requires vitamin A to combine with ‘opsin’ protein to form ‘rhodopsin’.

Vitamin A deficient eyes cannot see dim lights in the dark.

Vitamin A is rich in liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, sunflower, tomatoes, seafood, yeast, spinach, parsley, wasabi, pumpkin, apple, and chives.

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